Zen Magnets are the very highest quality magnet spheres on the market. Mirror Coated NiCuNi 5mm ± 0.01 N38 Neodymium balls for those who care about durability and consistency. As a result, they feel, sound, and perform differently than lower quality magnets. The diameter consistency means sheets of magnets lie flatter, rigid frames form straighter, and lattices hold stronger. When we say perfection unmatched, we mean it. 

When used abrasively for fidgeting and manipulation, Zen Magnets will last at least twice as long as Nickel Neoballs. A smoother coating means there are less microscopic ridges and bumps to wear down the coating. 

Triumph Set - 216 Zen Magnets
Out of stock $38.24
Zen Magnets are now available directly on Neoballs.com! However, no further discounts will apply to Zen Magnets as...
Zen Booster - 216 Zen Magnets
Out of stock $32.98
Zen Magnets are now available directly on Neoballs.com! However, no further discounts will apply to Zen Magnets as...
Zen Mandala - 1728 Zen Magnets
Out of stock $274.33
Orders now will ship by Dec 15, in the order received. This is the final batch of Mandalas....
Zen Focus - 72 Zen Magnets
Out of stock $14.95
A compact curiosity catalyst.   72 Zen Magnets Embroidered Velvet Bag 50+ Page Guide   Despite what everyone...
18 Zen Magnets + 2 Splitter Cards
Out of stock $3.99
18 Zen Magnets (5mm) for those needing to replace lost/stolen/destroyed magnets. Perhaps you want to start so small that you...
2 Zen Snap Palettes
Out of stock $13.28
A Zen Magnets original, the Snap Palette features a magnetic surface, wrapped in soft neoprene. Think of it...
100 Microfiber Cloths
Buy in bulk and clean your balls without regard! We know how quickly a microfiber cloth can be...
Zip-up Zen Magnets Hoodie
Out of stock $20.00
White is always in.   The ultra simple, unisex, Zen Magnets emblem hoodie. Made from air jet yarn...
Triumph Set - 216 Zen Magnets
Out of stock $38.24
Zen Booster - 216 Zen Magnets
Out of stock $32.98
Zen Mandala - 1728 Zen Magnets
Out of stock $274.33
Zen Focus - 72 Zen Magnets
Out of stock $14.95
18 Zen Magnets + 2 Splitter Cards
Out of stock $3.99
2 Zen Snap Palettes
Out of stock $13.28
100 Microfiber Cloths
Zip-up Zen Magnets Hoodie
Out of stock $20.00
Showing: 1-9 of 9