About Neoballs:
Neoballs are sculpture magnet spheres created by Zen Magnets, based in Colorado. The goal of Neoballs is to provide great quality magnets at epic prices that speak for themselves. We’re more than just another economic establishment poking for capital. We exist to celebrate the arousing poetry of design, commemorate the natural rhythm of geometric shapes, and rouse the dreams of inspired imaginations. Because there are few ventures more worthwhile than stretching the inventive mind, and catalyzing the ingenious intellectual.
Neoballs brand magnets are available in a plethora of colors and coatings. Neoballs will always be 5mm magnets, n35 grade neodymium. Other brands featured are: Micromagnets - the 2.5mm world wide best seller, Zen Magnets - the ultra precise mirror coated flagships, Speks - designed in cooperation with the creator of Buckyballs, and Neo Cubes - our 4mm magnetic cubes.
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COVID-19 NOTICE: We ship from Colorado, USA. Currently domestic shipping is largely unaffected. You may see a delivery delay of 1-2 days. International customers, expect delays for any shipping method other than DHL Worldwide. Delays will vary largely depending on the destination.

USA Domestic Shipping
Free | 7-9 business days |
Standard | 5-7 business days |
Expedited | 3-5 business days |
Express | 1-2 business days |

International Shipping
DHL Worldwide | 3-7 business days |
Priority Mail International | 2-3 weeks |
1st class | 3-4 Weeks* |
*Up to 9 weeks depending on destination. If you need assistance choosing a shipping service, reach out to us at contact@zenmagnets.com.
Practice responsible magnet usage! RARE EARTH MAGNETS ARE NOT TOYS. If magnets are ingested or aspirated to the lungs, immediate medical attention is required. Don’t leave them around animals, or children who don’t understand the dangers. Always communicate these dangers when sharing magnets.
Ideal storage shape for magnet spheres is in a hexagon shape. The hex shape ensures minimal magnetic interference with external objects, such as pacemakers, computers, an any delicate external storage devices. The hex is also a great way to keep count of your magnets. A set of 216 yields 12 hexes made of 18 magnets, or 6 hexes of 36 magnets.

To create a hexagon, create a ring of 6 at the end of a chain, and then wrap the chain around the ring of 6.

Once the chain has wrapped around the ring of 6 once, you have a hexagon made of 18 magnets. If you wrap the chain around once more, the hexagon will contain 36 magnets. Continue creating hexagons with the remainder of your magnets.

Next, connect all of them by the side in a long chain. Make sure the hexes are not interlocking at the connection, but rather that the magnets touch peak to peak.

Then, starting at one end, flip a hex onto the next connected hex, and flip flop across the whole chain until all are connected. Now you have a stack of hexes. Keep in a safe place!
Here we put a checkboard pattern around multiple sets of magnets so you can see how even and consistent the coating is. Functionally, a smoother coating will last longer, than a gritty surface with uneven ridges.

- Zen Magnets are A+ quality magnets. The highest possible quality coatings that exist on magnet spheres. Each one is a mirror-ball that reflect the entire environment around them them. They are smooth to the touch, and last the longest.
- Nickel Neoballs are B quality magnets. Far above average and a great value. Equal or better than Buckyballs used to be in 2013, back before they shut down. The Buckyball trademark is now abandoned and poached on by Chinese sellers that sell Generics.
- Chinese 5mm Generics are the most common magnet spheres on the internet. D+ Average if we were to give them a grade. Pretty much what you find if you search "buckyballs" on google or aliexpress. Also what #nanodots look like SOMETIMES.

Geometric tolerance affects consistency and repeat-ability of use. Consistently sized magnets will lie flatter in sheets, and be stronger when forming frames. The rigid stick test is the easiest way to visually compare tolerance of magnet spheres. To try the rigid stick test yourself, follow these instructions.

Zen Magnets are the best that is available at the moment, but not always available. Frequent shortages. The unmatched tolerance is why the epic magnet sphere builds are nearly always built with Zen Magnets.
Nickel Neoballs are pretty good! You'll be able to do most things with them. Unless you're spending a lot of time with them, or building something large, or are forming a lattice, Ni Neoballs are probably good enough.
- Chinese Generics are wobbly and the side near the camera leans down despite being placed in the same position as the others. Find them on Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress, or many other places.

Notice of Recall
Those who ordered Newbcubes and certain Neoball magnets between August 4, 2014 and May 14, 2015 are subject to a recall as ordered by Judge Christine M. Arguello. The full order can be found here.
If you purchased: Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Magenta, Red, Nickel coated Neoballs, or any color of Newbcubes, you may return your product for a refund of the original amount purchased if sent to:
Zen Magnets LLC, PO Box 1744, Boulder CO 80306
Those subject to the recall will automatically be emailed the same information posted above by April 12, 2016, at the email address used for purchase. Those who purchased Neoballs of a different color, or from a different time, are offered a voluntary recall described here: http://zenmagnets.com/march-2016-update-whoa-we-won/#recalls
Why are these magnets being recalled? Find a summary in this archived newsletter, or read the full order above.