Comes with:
- 864 Gun Metal Neoballs (5mm) Magnet Spheres
- Child Safe Case
- Construction Guide
- Card Tool
- A revival of your childlike sense of wonder
Grey storm light leaks through // heavy clouds and the rain plays // the world like a drum.
According to various rappers, nothing is harder than guns. So we named these Neoballs after the hardest part of guns - the metal. Our Gun-Metal Neoballs are composed of black nickel, which provides a sleek decorative coating that offers equal protection as Nickel neodymium magnet balls (which is a lot of protection, check them out. The color is very similar to charcoal, except shiny, or George Clooney’s hair in 1998 except a magnetic sphere, or Nickel neodymium balls except dark.
Electro neodymium magnetic balls are harder overall than their Coated relatives, and nickel is the hardest of our Electro platings. The coating may corrode slightly over extended periods of time - but used with care (and not given to children, because children eat fun, shiny magnets - and later require not-fun, not-shiny medical surgery), these neodymium magnets can provide years of shiny, gun-metal-y, magnetic fun. The color doped coating can rub off onto the hands, and will leave discoloration on the skin after extended use and rough kneading - similar to your mom.

Slightly susceptible to oxidation, rusting, tarnishing, and moisture erosion.

Pretty great shape and size consistency of magnets. These magnets feature a variance of ± 0.02mm. The only magnets with a tighter tolerance are Zen Magnets.

Superb shielding to collision, scraping, hitting and dropping. These are the magnets to have if you play rough.

Okay strength against rubbing, wiping, brushing, and kneading. This coating will rub off onto your hands after extended use.